1. Why are you wanting to build a data campus on the site now?
- We were aware of opposition to the previous proposal for a logistics facility on part of the site, and therefore took the decision to review our proposals and consider alternative uses such as a data campus. We have also acquired the adjoining land formerly used by Allnex Paint. We are looking to redevelop the wider landholding.
- Our proposals will provide high-skilled jobs in the local area, on land designated for this type of employment related use.
- Data Centres are an important part of the local economy, providing the capacity required for both personal and commercial data storage.
- Newham Council is leading the way in the data industry, with the Newham Sparks strategy outlining their ambition to create a new digital-led economy in the Royal Docks
2. Have you withdrawn your previous application to redevelop the site?
- Yes, the application has been withdrawn and we have no intention now or in the future to progress with the previous proposals to develop a storage and logistics centre at North Woolwich Road.
3. Is there a demand for a data centre in the Royal Docks?
- Data centres are a crucial part of the digital economy and are required in order to provide the data storage required for a modern economy.
- Given Newham’s and London’s leading role in the digital economy, we think this site is the ideal location for our new campus.
4. How tall will the buildings be?
- We are exploring a range of building heights, which could rise up to 8 storeys (up to 65m), similar to the height of the permitted nearby residential buildings at Lyle Park West and the lower buildings at Thameside West.
- This also aligns with London City Airport’s safeguarding zone restrictions.
5. How many jobs will be created in total and through construction?
- Up to 540 jobs (full-time equivalent) will be created by these proposals across a number of different roles. This includes managerial; professional and construction related jobs.
- A commitment will be made to employ local residents wherever possible.
6. What types of activities will the multi-functional building be able to provide?
- We have designed the building to be flexible, to support a variety of uses from community events to commercial and office space for local businesses looking to grow or expand.
- It is also envisioned this space could be used by organisations and our partners for training and skills programmes for residents and local schools and colleges.
7. Are you looking to support and partner with local organisations and institutions?
- There will be extensive opportunities for the project to develop links with local schools, colleges of further education and universities, and to put in place an Employment and Education Strategy to encourage take-up of apprenticeships and job opportunities by local people.
- We are also considering a Community Social Investment Program.
8. What benefits will the project bring for local people?
- The proposals will provide a number of new jobs, for local people and will help the local economy adapt to the future.
- At least 50% of the jobs will be prioritised for Newham residents. We are also working with our contractors to identify opportunities for local people through the construction phase of works.
- The proposals also include a multi-functional building, which could include incubator workspace, a café and affordable office space, which would be made available to local residents and businesses.
- We are also looking to offer a training and skills offer for local residents and young people at the building, alongside a dedicated space for the community to host local events, workshops and exhibitions.
- There are also opportunities for enhanced green infrastructure, connectivity, street activation, and improved cycling and walking routes.
- Extensive public realm improvements will also be made along the frontage of the site, with new greenery, landscaping, seating areas as well as pedestrian and cycle links to the river.
9. How will your project impact West Silvertown Station and are you making any improvements to it?
- We do not anticipate any negative impact to West Silvertown Station, during both the construction and operational phases of the project.
- It is anticipated that some employees will travel to site via the DLR however the shift changes are outside the peak hours.
- We are improving the access, quality and appearance of the pedestrian and cycle approach to West Silvertown Station from the west.
10. What sustainable features are included in the proposals?
- The project is targeting a BREEAM rating of Excellent – surpassing the recognised industry standard.
- The proposals will reduce carbon emission by at least 35% and incorporate green technology to further reduce our footprint, as well as provide significant public realm improvements around the site and near West Silvertown Station.
- We are also looking to improve connections to the river and the surrounding area with new planting, public spaces and walking routes for workers and residents.
- Half of the car parking spaces on-site have now been removed, providing 45 in total (-45).
- A new cover comprised of a green roof and photovoltaic panels has been proposed to the Wharf Access Road, close to the boundary with Tate & Lyle.
- The boundary wall bordering the Thameside West development will be a natural barrier, comprised of landscaping and soft planting.
11. How will the site be accessed?
- Access to the site will run through North Woolwich Road. A gatehouse will be installed for security reasons, that will link to internal roads that connect the campus.
- The existing access road to the Aggregates Wharf will be relocated to run alongside the eastern perimeter of the site, parallel to Tate and Lyle. This road will be used by vehicles that need to access the Wharf, as well as the campus’ substation.
12. How the campus will be powered?
- A 300MVA supply is required to power the new data campus.
- Our dedicated on-site substation will provide up to 133kV of power, with further supplies coming from the wider grid, linked into substations at West Ham and Islington.
- We will also be incorporating resilient infrastructure and design to ensure the supply continues for the long-term, to avoid additional impact on the local power network.
13. How much noise does a data centre emit?
- Operational noise levels from the data centre will be mostly external cooling plant on the roof of each building, with levels increasing as external temperatures rise and reducing when temperatures decrease, such as at night.
- A planning condition will control noise levels, meaning that when all equipment from all 3 buildings is operating at 100%, its noise is no greater than the existing background sound levels in the local area, which have been measured by a noise survey.
- Noise levels diminish over distance, though we are considering the impact to:
- Thameside West – future development (>50m from the site)
- West Silvertown DLR Station (>80m from the site)
- Britannia Village (>80m from the site)
- Western Beach apartments (>100m from the site)
- Goodwin House (>200m from the site)
- Royal Wharf (>360m from the site)
- Western Gateway (>450m from the site)
- Noise levels are likely to occasionally increase under emergency conditions when additional generators are required to maintain power to the site. The testing of the emergency generators will be undertaken once a month, during daytime hours only, and will be staggered. Only once per year will all generators be tested together.
14. What are the timescales for the project?
The timescales for the project can be summarises as below:
- Spring 2023 – Public consultation with the local community to share our evolving plans.
- Summer 2023 – Hybrid planning application submitted to the LB Newham.
- Spring 2024 – An addendum is submitted to the planning application, as the proposals continued to develop in dialogue with LB Newham officers and community representatives.
- Summer 2024 – Planning application is considered by LB Newham (expected).
- Late 2024 / Early 2025 – Construction works begin on the campus (subject to planning approval).
- 2028 – All construction works are completed (subject to planning approval).